Monday, April 30, 2012
Symphony Night ~ Oregon Symphony Orchestra
Mei-Ann Chen conducted the Oregon Symphony Orchestra tonight in a stirring performance of Camille Saint-Saëns' Third Symphony after Copeland's Second Symphony and Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg's "Four Seasons of Buenos Aires". A truly remarkable evening of strong performances by these two women as well as the Oregon Symphony. Click here for James McQuillen's review of Saturday night's performance.

Sunday, April 29, 2012
Bridges Are Portland
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Open Door
The camera walked through Hayes Valley today ... lots of windows and objects d'art to take notice of us. This doorway was the opening to a wonderful morning of walking and looking...
Friday, April 27, 2012
Ready or Not
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Separated by Time and Space
Larger than life reproductions of photographs are sometimes quite imposing. Here she's in the same space as this gentleman at SF MOMA but in some senses is quite removed. Years ago I was at MOMA in New York and took a photo of another larger than life print by Lucian Freud. There seemed to be more of a connection in space between the two in that image than between the blond in Rineke Dijkstra's photo below and the fellow on the bench...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Rainy Day Activity
Earlier weather forecasts had predicted rain for the San Francisco Bay Area today. Indoor activity seemed to be in order so we journeyed to the Rainforest inside the Academy of Sciences building. Great fun in there, surrounded by birds and butterflies ~ all colors of the rainbow rivaling the fish in the coral reef display. These two were having quite the time on the end of this branch. Eventually they flew away to wherever butterflies go for more romantic displays of affection!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Another View of the Bay Bridge
Monday, April 23, 2012
Remains of the Day
This afternoon was perfect for people watching. Having arrived a day early in San Francisco for our dog-sitting stint, we opted for a ride on the F streetcar line ride to the Bay and then for a long walk ending with tea at Samovar Tea Lounge in the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. The later afternoon light gave special poignancy to this couple who were out for a walk in the park. The simple things in life are sometimes the best.

Sunday, April 22, 2012
Charlie Chaplin in Portland
Saturday, April 21, 2012
On the Street Where I Live
Thursday, April 19, 2012
View from the Dental Chair
Certain days are not only dark and gray with endless rain it seems but are also filled with unexpected unpleasantness. The view from the dental chair is often a blank wall or perhaps some "stock" print from the local book shop. Fortunately my dentist is located in a building with large windows. Situated on the second floor, the view is of street trees that are just leafing out! That almost makes up for the 2.5+ hours and extensive dental work this afternoon...
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Sidewalk Garden Party
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
The Tuxedo in Portland
That would be the tuxedo cat in Henri, Paw de Deux ... walking down NW Overton today towards 23rd, I came across this tuxedo cat. It was as if having watched the video of Henri at least ten times, he had morphed himself and landed on the streets of Portland. This Henri was bored with me taking his photo ~ would not budge from his spot on the sidewalk as I crouched lower and lower to get an up close photo of him.

Here's the video of Henri that was my inspiration

Here's the video of Henri that was my inspiration
Monday, April 16, 2012
Art and Music
Today was an all around cultural day beginning with a lecture at the Portland Art Museum. While there I also walked through the galleries of the Center for Modern and Contemporary Art. Changes are afoot on the first floor with some rehanging made necessary by some loans from private collections.
Tonight was the last night for the Oregon Symphony's hosting of Sharon Isbin on guitar with Carlos Miguel Prieto conducting a concert that also featured Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition. The light was fading as the sun settled into the mostly cloudy skies. Enough of it remained so that just a tad bit was reflecting from the office building across the street adding windows of light on the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall.

Sunday, April 15, 2012
Persian Red
What happens when you wait until April 15 to use your REI 20% off any one item reward? Well, the store is packed with people just like yourself who have also not their discount rewards. The shoe department was especially crowded. After a number of back and forths, the clerk who was helping me came back with these beauties. Whether they're really red, Persian or not, they are bright and easily seen ~ a major goal in my shoe selection for travel. One shoe to wear walking the streets or on my early morning runs!

Saturday, April 14, 2012
Trees, Buildings, Tarts
Behind the Museum Cafe is across from the Portland Art Museum. It's a wonderful oasis from the hubbub of both the city streets and crowed museum galleries. Looking around while I waited for my tea and snack to be prepared this reflection of trees, buildings and streets popped out at me just on the other side of the berry tart.

Friday, April 13, 2012
Tulips with a Different Look
Thursday, April 12, 2012
An evening downtown tonight... Julia Dolan spoke to the Portland Art Museum's Photography Council, an event not to be missed. Walking the streets afterwards I came across this window display at Nordstrom ...
and just up the windows a bit, this dress specifically made for Eve displaying a rather large and stunningly beautiful snake.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Seen on NW 23rd
Walking home late this afternoon after a long day, I took some delight in taking photos of store windows as well as people on the street ... The advertisement on the Tri-Met bus enclosure was changed a few weeks ago. It makes for an interesting compliment to the fellow with the flowers in his backpack. Perhaps he also has already purchased the requisite St. Germain and champagne to accompany the blooms.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Separated by Glass
This morning I spent some time at the Behind the Museum Cafe which is actually across the street from the Portland Art Museum. That said it is a Japanese themed restaurant that also serves excellent coffee (I've had it once) as well as many types of tea. The food is good, the music is usually classical so why not spend time there while preparing for a museum tour. I was in my own world and so was this most interesting looking man who was sitting outside directly in front of the Eliot Tower. Only glass separated us physically at that moment. We were each in our own worlds...

Monday, April 9, 2012
High Rise Living
One of these days I'll have to ask how many times a year the windows are washed at the Eliot Tower in downtown Portland. It stands between the southbound Portland Streetcar stop on Jefferson and SW 11th and the Portland Art Museum on SW 10th. This morning I spied these three window washers as they "danced" down the wall of windows cleaning as the went.

Sunday, April 8, 2012
Easter Bunny on NW 23rd
A sunny Easter here in Portland ... the weather forecast kept changing but none really predicted such a beautiful day! Any number of people were out and about enjoying this fine Spring day and holiday too! Plenty of people were sporting bunny ears but this girl seemed the most alert and happy of them all!

Saturday, April 7, 2012
How Close Is that Volcano?
Mt. Hood looms over Portland ... an hour and a half's drive and you're in the vicinity. The classic view of this legendary volcano is from west of the downtown area ~ the Rose Garden or Pittock Mansion viewpoints even Council Crest. Today we ventured out to Kelly Point ... a wetland that has been taken over as an industrial complex except for the very tipppy tipppy point. While we were on a lovely walk along the Columbia and the Columbia Slough on a delightful spring day we also caught sight of Mt. Hood. The long focal length on the dslr brought the volcano seemingly miles closer!!!

Friday, April 6, 2012
Standard Plaza
Thursday, April 5, 2012
For those of us raised prior to computers, manual typewriters were what we learned to type on... then came electric and then came terminals with separate keyboards. This Underwood sits in the vault at Schoolhouse Electric. There are a number of other examples of manual machines but this beauty seemed to have it all! Great design and lettering too! Next time I'll have to check to see if this or any of them are actually still functional.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Store Windows
Take a different route home on your run and there's no telling what you might see in the store windows. That happened to me today and here are two of the results. ... Some might say that this re-use of dolls is classic recycling. It's most definitely classically Portland ~ weird!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Early Morning Light
Certain days you have to get up early to see the sun. At least it seems that way here in Portland. March set the rain record of all times I'm told. Shortly after I took this photo the clouds closed up this bit of sunlight and the rains came. They only lasted though until 4:00 pm. So, it doesn't rain all of the time, just most of it.

Monday, April 2, 2012
Oregon Symphony
The members of the orchestra are beginning to assemble. Careful observers in the audience can immediately see differences in the norm. Silu Fei is sitting in Charles Noble's position as Assistant Principal viola player. We missed Charles. However, Silu was a fine replacement. Another notable change in the lineup after intermission was the addition of Heather Blackburn in the cello section. She filled the usually empty eighth cello seat. It was good to see eight celli!!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012
Docent Art Show
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